The Whistle Heard Around the World

Adnan Zai
5 min readNov 25, 2022

For a sport so beloved around the world, the beginning of this year’s FIFA World Cup tournament is bringing nothing but controversy. A deal brokered twelve years ago amidst calls of scandal and bribery is still causing trouble now that the tournament has arrived. In addition to the unbearable temperature in Qatar, officials are still worried about corruption and bribery allegations, disrespect of the LQBTQ community, overworked soccer players, and a myriad of human rights abuses. This is certainly not a very cheery beginning to the world’s most watched sporting event that is the highlight for soccer fans around the globe every four years.

The Culmination of a Twelve Year Scandal

The World Cup is unfolding in Qatar this week amid a sea of controversy. A million fans are expected in the country of Qatar, with billions of other soccer fans watching from home. There are 64 games scheduled to be played, beginning on November 20 when Qatar plays Ecuador, and ending on December 18. But what is supposed to be a joyful and memorable time for soccer fans around the world, is turning out to be anything but. As a soccer fan, having watched this event as a young child, watching the World Cup has certainly shaped my memory and passion for the sport. It is truly a slap in the face how FIFA could and would do what they have done in bringing the World Cup to Qatar.

The backdrop of bribes and scandals that have allowed the biggest tournament to be played in Qatar, where human rights debacles…



Adnan Zai

As an Advisor-In-Residence, Adnan particularly focuses on strategy, deal pipeline, and structuring.